Through the targeting and sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene, we can "thumbprint" each bacteria that lives within your environmental sample, and generate cutting-edge results:

16S Analysis
Investigate the percent abundance of each bacterial taxa within your sample.
Compare the number of unique bacteira identified within each sample to asses the "alpha diversity" of the microbial community.
Compare the phylogenetic differences in microbial community structure between your samples, to gain an understanding of "beta diversity".
Discover the % composition of bacterial taxa of interest within multiple samples or sample groupings.
Visualized shared and unique bacterial taxa identified within samples belonging to the same cohort.
Predict and map the potential metabolic processes occurring within your environmental samples.
Quantify the number of conserved bacterial taxa within multiple samples belonging to the same cohort.
Asses the number and identity of bacterial taxa significantly enriched in specific cohorts.