At WrightLabs, we utilize innovative genomic analyses to investigate microbial community structure and function within any sample.
From our drinking water to our own gut, we encounter thousands of unique microbial communities every day.
Bacteria are everywhere
A rapid rate of evolution has allowed the bacteria kingdom to thrive in essentially any environmental condition. From conventional habitats including groundwater or soil, to extreme locations such as boiling hot-springs or glacial ice, unique bacterial cells have found a niche to form dynamic community structures.
While small in size, bacteria have a massive impact on our health and our environment.
With our bacterial community analysis, trends in microbial community structure between cohorts can be visualized and assessed for significance within any sample matrix.
Studies investigating the human microbiota have linked multiple diseases to fluctuations in the gut's bacterial community structure. Medical researchers have capitalized on such findings, and have developed medicines and treatment methods to repair "damaged" microbiotas back to a healthy state.
Just as human beings may have an unbalanced microbial community, environmental sites impacted by pollutants have different bacterial communities when compared to "healthy" sites.
At WrightLabs, we are identifying bacterial community structures associated with poor health, not only within ourselves, but our environment as well.
Innovations in sequencing technology have permitted rapid expansion in our understanding of the microbiome within ourselves and our environment.
With culture based methods, you are barely scratching the surface of bacterial community structure within your sample.
at WrightLabs we implement Sequencing technology that Permits the identification of Total Bacterial Community composition.
Before the advent of sequencing technology, culture based methods were utilized to asses bacterial community structure within environmental samples. An issue with culture based methods, was the impossible challenge of creating a culture with environmental parameters conducive to the growth of the thousands of bacterial species within a sample.
At WrightLabs, we target and sequence the 16S rRNA gene to unearth the total bacterial community that resides within any sample. We have mastered both the wetlab and bioinformatics portions of bacterial community, metagenomic, metatranscriptomic, and genome analysis within any sample type. Our analysis provides the most comprehensive and accurate bacterial community & functional analysis science has to offer, all within a rapid turnaround time.